Translation for "gazillionaire" to spanish
Translation examples
Sounds like gazillionaire wheels to me.
A mi me suena al rastro del millonario
Meet Dewar Linden, Manhattan real estate gazillionaire.
Os presento a Dewar Linden, inmobiliario muchi-millonario de Manhattan.
It made these guys gazillionaires.
Hizo millonarios a estos tipos.
He's the gazillionaire behind Amanda's Orchards.
Es el millonario detrás de Amanda's Orchards.
How completely irresponsible of me to have shacked up with a slightly younger artist who I am passionately and deeply in love with instead of snaring a considerably older gazillionaire with pending indictments on how many charges of tax evasion and mail fraud?
qué absolutamente irresponsable de mi parte ha sido acostarme con un artista mas joven de quien estoy apasionada y profundamente enamorada en lugar de atrapar a un millonario considerablemente mayor con acusaciones pendientes por distintos cargos como evasión fiscal y fraude electrónico?
You know, for a computer gazillionaire, your Internet is surprisingly slow.
Para ser un millonario informático, tu conexión es lentísima.
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