Translation for "furiously" to spanish
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Translation examples
Leopold furiously cooks breakfast.
Leopold cocina el desayuno furiosamente.
Estaba cavando furiosamente.
Peter furiously whips his horse.
Peter furiosamente fustiga a su caballo.
She was writing. Furiously. Confidently.
Estaba escribiendo, furiosamente, confiadamente.
Furiously, the waves beat against the shore.
Furiosamente las olas golpean contra la costa.
They're shouting, stamping, clapping furiously.
Ellos gritan, taconean en el piso, aplauden furiosamente.
Nobody had hammered furiously at her door.
Nadie había golpeado furiosamente la puerta.
What is it that you're working on so furiously?
¿En qué trabajas tan furiosamente?
I'm furiously enjoying being challenged.
Estoy furiosamente disfrutando el que me desafíen.
And the forest burn furiously.
y el bosque se incendia furiosamente.
They are working furiously.
Están trabajando furiosamente.
They mated furiously.
Se apareaban furiosamente.
It pinged furiously;
La campanilla tintineó furiosamente.
I wiped at them furiously.
Me las limpié furiosamente.
Whitbread thought furiously.
Whitbread pensaba furiosamente.
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