Translation for "fritigern" to spanish
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Fritigern, is forced to make a bargain with his enemy.
Fritigern,estáobligadoahacer un pacto con su enemigo.
Fritigern controls the frontier for two years, seizing territory and closing in on the most important cities in the eastern Empire, the heavily fortified Adrianople and the capital, Constantinople.
controles de Fritigern la frontera hace dos años, agarrarelterritorioyel cierreen enlasciudadesmás importantes en el imperio oriental, elAdrianoplepesadamentefortificada y la capital,Constantinopla.
Like Boudica before him, Fritigern realized that the treaty sign with Rome was worthless.
Como Boudica delante de él, Fritigern realizado que firma el Tratado de con Roma era inútil.
Fritigern knows that the Romans have been marching for about eight hours in the heat of a baking hot summer day.
Fritigern sabe que la Romanos han estado marchando alrededor de ocho horas en el calor de un día de verano caliente para hornear.
Ink t Fritigern improvises a plan to circle the wagons as a defensive line to protect the civilians.
tintat Fritigern improvisa un plan círculodelosvagonescomo unadefensiva línea para proteger a los civiles.
Lupicinius' arrest of their leader Fritigern, provokes the already restless Goths into action.
de Lupicino detención de su líder Fritigern, provocaelya Godos inquieto en acción.
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