Translation for "frees you" to spanish
Translation examples
Ifyou win, He frees you.
Si ganas, te libera.
I mean to free you.
Quiero decir que te libere.
As your moral compass, I'm freeing you.
Como tu brújula mora, te libero.
Then I free you from servitude.
Entonces te libero de la sevidumbre.
"I free you from this relationship, piya."
Te libero de esta relación, Piya.
Tell me it frees you
Dime que te libera
Do you want me to free you?
¿Quieres que te libere?
It frees you up in some way
Te libera en cierto sentido
I am envisioning freeing myself, and then freeing you.
Imagino que me libero, y que luego te libero a ti.
Does that free you from the pain?
¿Te liberas así del dolor?
tell him to free you from logic.
dile que te libere de tu lógica.
It frees you from bondage to form and identification with form.
Te libera del vínculo con la forma y de la identificación con ella.
He didn’t free you from me.” “You’re wrong, Father.
No te liberó de mí. —Se equivoca, padre.
Frees you and frees me; frees everyone. And then your damaged mind will, presumably, be healed.
Te libere a ti y me libere a mí y a cada persona, y entonces, tu mente enferma será, presumiblemente, curada.
And if analysis frees you from an illusion, so much the better.
Y si te libera de una ilusión, mejor aún.
“It frees you from the mental burden of smoking,” he said.
Te libera de la carga mental de fumar —afirmó—.
Indeed. But if you think a wee burn frees you from your obligations, -think again.
En efecto, pero si cree que un pequeño incendio le libera de sus obligaciones, olvídese...
He's dropped his claims... but this frees you from the chains of marriage. Isn't that right?
El dejó caer sus demandas... pero esto le libera de las cadenas del matrimonio .No es así?
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