Translation for "formally is" to spanish
Formally is
Translation examples
It has not been formally edited.
Aún no se ha editado formalmente.
(e) Date when he was formally charged;
e) la fecha en que fue acusado formalmente;
They have not been formally charged.
No han sido acusados formalmente.
(v) Date when he was formally charged;
v) fecha en la que fue acusado formalmente;
He has not been formally charged.
No ha sido inculpado nunca formalmente.
(e) State that extradition is to be formally requested.
e) El compromiso de solicitar formalmente la extradición.
His brother was never formally charged.
Su hermano nunca fue acusado formalmente.
(a) If the injured party gives formal consent;
a) Si el ofendido consiente formalmente;
Discrimination in employment is formally prohibited.
En la esfera del empleo, se prohíbe formalmente la discriminación.
Requests formally settled
Solicitudes resueltas formalmente
I treated it formally.
lo he tratado formalmente.
I was fired formally.
Me despidieron formalmente.
They had not formally married.
No se habían casado formalmente.
Be introduced formally.
Ser presentada formalmente.
had issued a formal order.
se lo ordenó formalmente.
had been formally dissolved.
se había disuelto formalmente.
Formally… Cregennan is not here.
Cregennan... formalmente no está aquí.
    "The investigation, is it formally closed?"
—¿El caso está formalmente cerrado?
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