Translation for "flat plane" to spanish
Translation examples
!Xabbu proved particularly helpful. His visual memory was excellent: where Renie and Susan might remember that there had been windows in the flat plane of a wall, !Xabbu could often tell them how many there had been and which had been illuminated.
La ayuda de !Xabbu fue inestimable en esa tarea gracias a su excelente retentiva visual: si Renie y Susan recordaban unas ventanas en el plano liso de una pared, !Xabbu les decía cuántas había y cuántas estaban iluminadas.
The top was a flat plane of stone, sand, and clay.
La parte superior del otero era una extensión plana de roca, arena y arcilla.
And I do not grind this stone; it cleaves naturally in flat planes.
Y yo no corté ni pulí esta piedra, sus partes son planas por naturaleza.
They made the essentially flat plane of a battlefield seem elegant and pure.
Hacían que el plano esencialmente llano de un campo de batalla pareciese elegante y puro.
Jessica’s eyes are shining as she takes his hand and places it on the flat plane of her belly.
Los ojos de Jessica brillan cuando le coge la mano y la coloca sobre su vientre plano.
One, directly in front of the window, rose over two hundred meters above the flat plane.
Una, directamente enfrente del ventanal, se elevaba más de doscientos metros por encima del plano horizontal.
think the flat planes were carrying the octos, don't we, Dad?" Richard nodded.
Creemos que los aviones planos transportaban las octos, ¿no, papá? Richard asintió con la cabeza. Respiré hondo. —Muy bien, pues —dije—.
Let us say there were sentient beings confined to the flat plane of that wall and they saw the shadow of my fiSt.
Digamos que había seres inteligentes confinados en el plano de esta pared que podían ver la sombra de mi puño.
Mei-ping's thin dress clung to the flat planes of her body and showed her pretty bones.
El fino vestido de Mei—ping se adhería a los lisos planos de su cuerpo haciendo destacar sus hermosos huesos.
Her tight sheath of Illuc spidersilk showed off the lean, flat planes of her body;
Her tight sheath of Illuc spidersilk showed off the lean, flat planes of her body;
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