Translation for "five miles away" to spanish
Translation examples
His place was about five miles away.
Su lugar era estaba a unas cinco millas de distancia.
The other ship was less than five miles away.
La otra embarcación estaba a menos de cinco millas de distancia.
Five miles away, the bow of the Freya was pointing straight at the Moran.
A cinco millas de distancia, la proa del Freya apuntaba directamente al Moran.
they were told it was five miles away though found it nearer ten.
les dijeron que se encontraba a cinco millas de distancia, pero se encontraron con que fueron casi diez.
Five miles away, by the joke that was the Joker's Tower, more ships were landing.
A cinco millas de distancia, junto a la broma que era la Torre Joker, estaban aterrizando más naves.
The Freya was still five miles away, the terrorists’ speedboat another five beyond that.
El Freya estaba todavía a cinco millas de distancia, y el bote de los terroristas, a otras cinco más allá.
Evers, 2616 Appleby Street--five miles away--because grandmother was very ill and needed consolation.
Evers, calle Appleby, 2616, a cinco millas de distancia? La abuela estaba enferma y tenía necesidad de los auxilios de la religión.
Five miles away, the towers and tumbled roofs of Siena reared themselves, hazy and magical, against a copper sky.
A cinco millas de distancia, las torres y los desordenados techos de Siena se alzaban brumosos y mágicos contra un cielo de cobre.
They returned through the afternoon, all reporting that the Cherusci chieftain and his forces were less than five miles away.
Volvieron a media tarde con la noticia de que el jefe querusco y sus fuerzas se encontraban a menos de cinco millas de distancia.
And looking up and beyond the wall, I saw that the water came from the mountains four or five miles away.
Y al mirar hacia arriba y detrás de la pared, vi que el agua llegaba de las montañas a cuatro o cinco millas de distancia.
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