Translation for "few visitors" to spanish
Few visitors
Translation examples
Death row inmates have few visitors and few financial resources, increasing their sense of isolation and hopelessness.
Los reclusos de la galería de condenados a muerte tienen pocos visitantes y muy escasos recursos financieros, lo que aumenta su sensación de aislamiento y su desesperanza.
We get so few visitors we remember each one pretty well.
Recibimos tan pocos visitantes que recordamos a cada uno de ellos bastante bien.
Too many lawsuits, too few visitors.
Demasiados juicios, pocos visitantes.
Very few visitors, what with the football on telly.
Muy pocos visitantes, claro que con el fútbol en la tele...
Outside of the burning, I'm afraid we have very few visitors these days.
Fuera de la quema, tenemos pocos visitantes ahora.
During the off-season, Lake Lachrymose has very few visitors, which is why the ferry company has added two words to the bottom of their schedule in fine print, a phrase which here means "you might miss reading it until it was too late."
En la temporada baja, el lago Lacrimógeno tiene muy pocos visitantes, así que la empresa del ferri ha agregado cierta letra chica, una frase que quiere decir "tal vez no la leas hasta que sea tarde".
We get so few visitors these days.
Recibimos tan pocos visitantes estos días.
I have few visitors, so I am doubly pleased that you would deign to grace me with your presence.
He tenido pocos visitantes, por lo que me place mucho que usted se digne acogerme con su presencia.
The machine planet welcomed few visitors.
El planeta recibía a muy pocos visitantes.
My aunt sees very few visitors.
–Mi tía ve a muy pocos visitantes.
they lived on the outskirts of the village and had few visitors.
Vivían en las afueras del pueblo, y tenia pocos visitantes.
There are very few visitors here as a rule, you would be surprised.
—Por lo general aquí hay muy pocos visitantes, se sorprendería.
We don't even get the few visitors we had last year.
No tenemos siquiera los pocos visitantes que tuvimos el año pasado.
Very few visitors came into 23 Maple Gardens.
El número 23 de Maple Gardens recibía pocos visitantes.
However, the autumn season had brought few visitors to Winchester after that.
No obstante, el otoño trajo pocos visitantes a Winchester.
“I suspect that very few visitors find their way to this chamber.” “True.
—Sospecho que muy pocos visitantes logran subir hasta esta estancia. —Cierto.
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