Translation for "few skills" to spanish
Translation examples
That's one of the few skill sets I do possess.
Esta es una de las pocas habilidades que tengo.
Fending for myself with nothing but time and very few skills to survive.
Me valí por mí mismo en poco tiempo y con pocas habilidades para sobrevivir.
I don't mean to brag about my person, but I think that making coffee is one of the very few skills That I already mastered.
No quiero jactarme de mi persona pero creo que hacer café es una de las muy pocas habilidades que ya he conquistado.
I have few skills, she thought to herself, but taking off a cuirass is one of them.
«Tengo pocas habilidades —pensó ella—, pero quitar una coraza es una de ellas».
He focused deep within, one of those few skills he retained from his once-Druid past.
Se concentró en lo más profundo de su ser, una de las pocas habilidades que conservaba de su pasado de druida.
Fighting was something familiar to him, something noble—one of the few skills he felt that he had earned, rather than just inheriting from another self.
Luchar era noble, una de las pocas habilidades que había desarrollado en lugar de heredarlas de otro yo.
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