Translation for "failings" to spanish
Translation examples
Failing this, the judge will appoint defence counsel for them.
En su defecto, el juez les nombrará defensor.
B. Common failings of municipal law and
B. Defectos comunes del derecho y los
Failing that, local integration was a solution that should be used whenever possible.
En su defecto, debe privilegiarse la integración sobre el terreno.
Failing that, a qualitative description shall be given.
En su defecto, hágase una descripción cualitativa.
Option 6: The State of incorporation, failing which the state of economic control
Opción 6: El Estado de constitución, o en su defecto, el Estado de control económico
Failing that, it asks the Committee to declare that there has been no violation of the Covenant.
En su defecto, solicita que se declare que no ha existido violación del Pacto.
Failing that, the State was obliged to provide the services of an interpreter.
En su defecto, el Estado está obligado a ofrecer los servicios de un intérprete.
B. Common failings of municipal law and procedure
B. Defectos comunes del derecho y los procedimientos internos
If you have a failing.
Si tienes un defecto.
It's your great failing.
Es tu gran defecto.
- Is it a failing?
- ¿Es un defecto?
That's your failing.
Ese es tu defecto.
A failing of mine.
Es un defecto que tengo.
It a a personal failing;
Es un defecto personal.
- First we must state our failings.
- Debemos exponer nuestros defectos.
The failing sun...
El sol con su defecto ...
She has one big failing.
Tiene un gran defecto.
Talk about failing upwards.
- Hablando de sacar defectos.
One of my failings.
Es uno de mis defectos.
That is a failing of mine.
Ése es un defecto que tengo.
It was not the least of his failings.
No era el menor de sus defectos.
I confess to a failing.
Confieso que tengo ese defecto.
It is his one failing.
Es su único defecto.
It is a lonely man's failing.
Es el defecto de los solitarios.
It is one of our greatest failings.
Es uno de nuestros mayores defectos.
A failing of mine, I admit.
Uno de mis defectos, admito.
(c) Trial courts: juvenile criminal courts; failing these, family courts of civil and criminal jurisdiction; and failing these, municipal courts;
c) Jueces de Conocimiento: Jueces Penales para Adolescentes; a falta de éstos, los Promiscuos de familia; y a falta de éstos, los municipales;
Failing such confirmation, the measure shall expire.
A falta de esa confirmación, la medida se levantará".
Failing such notification, the canvass may be prohibited.
A falta de esa notificación, podrá prohibirse la campaña.
The project should not fail for lack of resources.
El proyecto no debe fracasar por falta de recursos.
Failing to invest in our youth is a false economy.
La falta de inversiones en nuestros jóvenes no es un ahorro.
Only the Government has failed to do so.
Sólo falta el Gobierno.
The failed claims were rejected on the basis that they lacked credibility.
Las que se rechazaron fue por falta de credibilidad.
Without either, stabilization fails.
Si falta uno de esos dos elementos, la estabilización es imposible.
Yes, without fail...
Sí, sin falta,
Fail not ourfeast.
No faltes al banquete.
lmmediately, without fail.
Inmediatamente, sin falta.
- Tomorrow, without fail.
- Mañana, sin falta.
Without fail, relentlessly.
Sin falta, sin descanso.
Without fail, got it?
¿Entiende? Sin falta.
Three have failed.
¿Tres faltas ya?
Failing class. Needed tutoring.
Falto a clases.
Without fail, Nadine.
Sin falta, Nadine.
We’ll be there—without fail.’
Allí estaremos sin falta.
But my heart failed me.
Pero me faltó el ánimo.
But his courage failed him.
Pero le faltó valor.
And I advise you not to fail.
Y le aconsejo que no falte.
One a day without fail.
Todos los días sin falta».
Every night without fail.
Todas las noches sin falta.
Certainly, sir: without fail.
–Por supuesto, señor. Sin falta.
“Please don’t fail to be there, Felix.”
– Por favor no faltes, Félix.
But Edith’s nerve failed her.
Pero a Edith le faltó el ánimo.
"We'll go without fail, Otto.
—Iremos sin falta, Otto.
It is a failing of mine for which I have been frequently criticized.
Es una de mis flaquezas, por la que he sido criticado con frecuencia.
To take your mind off your failings?
¿Para no pensar en sus flaquezas?
That particular failing was an important one.
Esa flaqueza en particular era importante.
I could smell his failing heart.
He olido la flaqueza de su corazón.
May it be by Your hands, my every failing.
Que mis flaquezas sean siempre por Tu mano.
It's a cheap way to parade the family failings.
Es una forma barata de ventilar las flaquezas de la familia.
Campbell did not imagine policemen to be free of human failings.
A Campbell no se le ocurría pensar que los policías estuviesen exentos de flaquezas humanas.
It’s a way of getting acquainted, discussing the failings of mutual friends.
Es una forma de llegar a conocerse, discutir las flaquezas de amigos mutuos.
Anything was possible, and Gabriella would have to pay the price for all his weaknesses and failings.
Todo era posible, y Gabriella tendría que pagar el precio de todas las debilidades y flaquezas de su progenitor.
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