Translation for "factorially" to spanish
Translation examples
24, the factorial of 4
24, el factorial de 4.
Factorial N plus 2V over factorial 3V plus 2.
N factorial + 2V Factorial 3V + 2;
How about the factorial of 7?
¿Y que me decís del factorial de 7?
So 24 is the factorial of 4
Así que 24 es el factorial de 4.
What is a factorial?
¿Qué es factorial?
factorial N plus 2 V on factorial 3 V plus 2
factorial N + 2 V sobre factorial 3 V + 2,
The factorial of 4 is 24
El factorial de 4 es 24.
It's the factorial of 4
Es el factorial de 4.
There are 52 cards? So there are 52 factorial divisions. divided by 52, minus factorial 5, divided by factorial 5, which makes 2,698,590, all right.
Las cartas son 52, por tanto... las combinaciones son 52 factoriales dividido 52, menos 5 factoriales dividido 5 factoriales que hacen 2.698.590.
It will be a number of years equal to ten factorial raised to the ten factorial power, that number raised to the ten factorial power, that number raised to the ten factorial power, this power relation repeated 1083 times, and then the resulting number raised to its own factorial power 1047 times, as above.
Será un número de años igual al factorial de diez elevado al factorial de diez, elevado a su vez al factorial de diez, y este número, a su vez, al factorial de diez; todo ello repetido 1083 veces, antes de elevar el resultado 1047 veces a su propio factorial.
But she did understand that they were doing factorial trials, altering the conditions in each pedon and tracking what happened.
Comprendió que estaban efectuando ensayos factoriales, alterando las condiciones en cada pedón y viendo qué ocurría.
but on his feet were huge, high-heeled leather boots, and on his head a six-(twelve? factorial four?)-gallon hat.
pero en los pies llevaba unas enormes botas de cuero de altos tacones, y en la cabeza un sombrero de treinta (¿sesenta?, ¿o acaso cinco factorial?) litros.
Since there are something like ten to the twentieth power-that is, a one with twenty zeros after it-such neuroproteins in the brain, the number of possible combinations are of the order of factorial ten to the twentieth power.
Teniendo en cuenta que el número de neuroproteínas que hay en el cerebro se aproxima a diez elevado a la vigésima potencia, o sea, un uno seguido de veinte ceros, la cantidad de combinaciones posibles es del orden del factorial de diez elevado a la vigésima potencia.
Dr. Sanders was about forty years old, one of those energetic types, in constant motion, pacing back and forth, tapping the equations on the blackboard in short emphatic jabs with his chalk as he pointed to the "signal covariant ratio determination" and the "factorial delta bandwidth noise."
El doctor Sanders aparentaba unos cuarenta años y era una de esas personas que parecen derrochar energía: en constante movimiento, paseando arriba y abajo y golpeando la pizarra con ademanes rápidos para señalar con la tiza la «determinación del índice covariante de la señal» o «el ruido de la amplitud de banda delta factorial».
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