Translation for "eyelessness" to spanish
Translation examples
The head was eyeless.
La cabeza no tenía ojos.
The eyeless heads faced them.
Las cabezas sin ojos estaban vueltas hacia ellos.
The eyeless head revolved slowly.
La cabeza sin ojos se volvió lentamente.
Light, but that eyeless gaze was awful.
Luz, qué espantosa era aquella mirada sin ojos.
Eyeless sockets looked down.
Dos órbitas carentes de ojos bajaron la mirada.
Ye eyeless noseless chickenless egg,
Eres un huevo sin pollo, sin ojos y sin nariz,
Doors and windows were eyeless voids.
Puertas y ventanas eran cuencas sin ojos.
A vicious, determined, alive, eyeless thing.
Un objeto maligno, decidido, vivo, sin ojos.
Atop the crown, a face, eyeless, earless.
Por encima de la coronilla, una cara sin ojos ni orejas.
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