Translation for "eye-rollings" to spanish
Translation examples
“Do I have to do the eye-rolling every time?”
—¿Debo rodar los ojos cada vez que lo coma?
“They’ve … they’ve … they’ve …” He stammers in blind rage, his eyes rolling thunders.
- Son... son... son... - farfulla en su ciega cólera, haciendo rodar los ojos.
In the touch-football games, he was always one of the quarterbacks, his nearsighted bloodshot eyes rolling as he faded back to pass, the corners of his mouth flecked with a foam of concentration.
En los partidos de touch-football, era siempre uno de los capitanes, haciendo rodar sus ojos miopes y congestionados al echarse a un lado para efectuar el pase, y con una espumita de concentración en las comisuras de los labios.
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