Translation for "evil laugh" to spanish
Evil laugh
Translation examples
[Forced evil laugh]
[Forzada risa malvada]
This isn't the evil laugh of victory, is it?
Esa no es la risa malvada de victoria, ¿verdad?
Is that your evil laugh?
¿Esa es tu risa malvada?
No, Sam, the evil laugh really comes from the back of the throat.
No, Sam, la risa malvada viene del fondo de la garganta.
[male voice snickering] I mean, okay. Whoever's doing the evil laugh thing, stop it right now.
El que está haciendo la risa malvada, ya puede detenerse.
More like the evil laugh of "you're a dead man".
Más bien como la risa malvada de "Eres hombre muerto"
That was my evil laugh.
Esa era mi risa malvada.
Carlos gave an evil laugh.
Carlos soltó una risa malvada.
The spirit-wraith mocked the words with an evil laugh and came on wildly.
El espectro se burló de sus palabras con una risa malvada y se lanzó sin más al ataque.
Dag made sure they could hear his evil laugh, even though he was wheezing like a smithy's bellows by now.
Dag se aseguró de que oyeran su risa malvada, a pesar de que a esas alturas estaba jadeando como un fuelle.
Heh, heh, heh." I laughed my "evil" laugh and gave Jake a look, and he laughed, too.
Je, je, je —solté una risa malvada y lancé una mirada a Jake, que también estalló en carcajadas.
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