Translation for "ever since childhood" to spanish
Ever since childhood
Translation examples
Ever since childhood, being a singer was my dream!
¡Desde la infancia, ser cantante era mi sueño!
We always greet each other like this, ever since childhood.
Siempre nos saludamos así, desde la infancia
I’ve been pursued by a rifle shot ever since childhood.
Un tiro de escopeta me persigue desde la infancia.
Ever since childhood Mary had disliked the ceremony of the family meal.
Desde la infancia, Mary había detestado la ceremonia de las comidas familiares.
Ever since childhood, being scolded had given Piet cerebral cramps;
Desde la infancia, las regañinas habían provocado calambres cerebrales a Piet;
“They were very good friends,” Rupert said stiffly. “Ever since childhood.”
—Eran íntimas amigas —respondió Rupert secamente— desde la infancia.
Ever since childhood, Pepper had been teased about his choice of soft drink.
Desde la infancia, Pepper había soportado bromas por su gaseosa favorita.
Ever since childhood Nalan’s blood had boiled to witness someone – anyone – being treated cruelly or unfairly.
Desde la infancia se le encendía la sangre al ver que se trataba a alguien —a quien fuera— de manera injusta o cruel.
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