Translation for "enviously" to spanish
Translation examples
The latest fashion in intellectual lackeydom... enviously refers to whatever describes its servitude... as "the master discourse.
Por lo demás, la domesticidad intelectual de la presente época... llaman envidiosamente "discurso del amo"... al que describe su servidumbre;
Liza asked enviously.
—preguntó Liza, envidiosamente.
Lilith watched them enviously.
Lilith los contempló envidiosamente.
Tor looked after them enviously;
Tor miró tras ellos envidiosamente;
He leaned over and stared enviously into Barnbakias’s chowder.
Miró envidiosamente el chowder de Bambakias—.
That takes care of Chuck for the night, Corrigan thought enviously.
Eso arregla a Chuck por esta noche, pensó Corrigan envidiosamente.
He was already enviously impressed by Plaxy's hands and their versatility.
Ya se sentía en ese entonces envidiosamente impresionado por las manos de Plaxy y su versatilidad.
Our friends used to say, “You two are so lucky.” And for years I wanted to believe we were as lucky as they enviously thought we were.
Nuestros amigos solían decir: «Qué suerte tenéis vosotros dos», y durante años quise creer que éramos tan afortunados como ellos envidiosamente lo creían.
"If you ever want to swop it," Keridil said enviously, "I have a sapphire that—" "No." The refusal was instant and ferocious, and the fair boy blanched.
—Si algún día quieres cambiármelo —dijo envidiosamente Keridil—, tengo un zafiro que… —No. —La negativa fue instantánea y rotunda. Y el muchacho rubio palideció.
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