Translation for "entirely plausible" to spanish
Translation examples
- Sandra Roberts murdering her husband Is entirely plausible.
Sandra Roberts asesinando a su esposo es completamente plausible.
But it's an entirely plausible scenario
Pero es un escenario completamente plausible.
What you have to face, Watson, is that Savage's catching the disease in Rotherhithe is entirely plausible,
Lo que tiene que afrontar, Watson es que es completamente plausible que Savage cogiera la enfermedad en Rotherhithe.
he went on, “it’s entirely plausible that something troublesome is afoot.
Es completamente plausible que algo problemático esté en marcha.
Contrary to what you may believe, my good friend, they are entirely plausible figures.
Contrariamente a lo que quizá piensa usted, mi querido amigo, son cifras completamente plausibles.
The thought that she might have done so was sickening, but — in its own way — entirely plausible.
Aunque la idea de que podría haber hecho eso le resultaba enfermiza, sabía que era completamente plausible.
The Mission does not find this response to be entirely plausible.
La Misión concluye que la respuesta no es totalmente plausible.
As the pistol in question belonged to Captain Denny, it seems to me entirely plausible he fired... in self-defence.
Como el arma en cuestión pertenecía al capitán Denny, me parece totalmente plausible que él disparara... en defensa propia.
As Kalki described the creation of the universe, according to the Hindu cosmogony, he used enough terms from contemporary science to sound if not entirely plausible, familiar.
Al describir la creación del universo de acuerdo con la cosmogonía hindú, Kalki utilizaba bastantes términos de la ciencia contemporánea para resultar familiar, si no totalmente plausible.
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