Translation for "end so" to spanish
Translation examples
I guess I just didn't want our little reunion to end so abruptly.
Creo que simplemente no quería que nuestra pequeña reunión terminara tan abruptamente.
I'm sorry it ended so tragically for you.
Siento que terminara tan trágicamente.
So, I told her the next time it wouldn't end so civilized.
Así fue que le dije que la próxima vez esto no iba a terminar tan civilizadamente
I'm sorry that our last meeting had to end so badly.
Siento que nuestra última reunión terminara tan mal.
Shame your night ended so badly.
Lástima que tu noche terminara tan mal.
It couldn't end so quickly.
No podía terminar tan pronto.
Next time this won't end so easily.
La próxima vez esto no terminará tan fácilmente.
I didn't think it ended so well the last time we spoke, Mike.
No creo que terminara tan bien la última vez que hablamos, Mike.
Must we end so soon?
¿Tenemos que terminar tan pronto?
This is going to end so badly.
Esto va a terminar tan mal.
My only regret was that it ended so soon.
Lo único que lamenté fue que terminara tan pronto.
He would not get to say I’ve always regretted the fact that it ended so badly.
Él no le contestaría siempre he sentido que terminara tan mal.
They had never really believed the patrol would end so easily.
En realidad, nunca habían creído que la misión fuera a terminar tan fácilmente.
Was it possible that her visit to Stasi headquarters could end so well?
¿Era posible que su visita a la jefatura de la Stasi terminara tan bien?
All the same, she did not expect it to end so quickly, nor in such a brutal manner.
No obstante, no esperaba que terminara tan rápido ni de una forma tan brutal.
With a little whimper, Tess sought to renew the kiss, unwilling to have it end so soon.
Con un suspiro, Tess buscó otro beso, no deseando que esto terminara tan pronto.
It was all he could do not to come immediately, but he didn't want this to end so soon.
Le costó la misma vida no correrse en ese momento, pero no quería terminar tan pronto.
Who would have guessed that everything could end so suddenly on a pretty Tuesday morning?
¿Quién iba a adivinar que todo podía terminar tan de repente una hermosa mañana de martes?
She'd had no idea such a sexual mistrust had taken over his mind, until she'd caught him following her, watching her, turning up at odd times and bizarre places when he was supposed to be at work—and had that perhaps had something to do with why that job had ended so badly?
Ella no tenía ni idea de que tal desconfianza sexual se hubiera apoderado de su mente, hasta que descubrió que la seguía, la vigilaba, y aparecía en momentos inoportunos y lugares extraños cuando se suponía que debía estar en el trabajo… ¿tenía eso tal vez algo que ver con que aquel trabajo terminara tan mal?
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