Translation for "elbow through" to spanish
Elbow through
Translation examples
Sejer scratched his elbow through his shirt.
Sejer se rascó el codo a través de la tela de la camisa.
We stand edge to edge, as close as we can without me putting an elbow through his side.
Permanecemos uno al lado del otro, lo más juntos que podemos, sin que yo coloque un codo a través de su costado.
With one more glance around, she bolted for the bag and threaded her elbow through the handles.
Echando una última mirada, se precipitó hacia el bolso y pasó el codo a través de las manillas.
Putting his elbow through the glass in the back door, he reached through and turned the lock.
Introduciendo el codo a través del cristal de la puerta trasera, alcanzó el interior y giró la cerradura.
    He did not move at first, and Collins clutched one of his elbows through the robe and yanked him across his body and dumped him out into the snow.
Al principio no se movió, y Collins lo tomó por un codo a través de la manta, le hizo pasar por encima de su cuerpo y lo arrojó en la nieve.
One rung at a time, he’d use his right hand to pull them up, then hook that same elbow through the ladder, balancing Amy’s weight on his knee while he changed hands and moved up another rung.
De escalón en escalón, utilizaría la mano derecha para izarlos, encajaría ese mismo codo a través de la escalerilla, apoyaría el peso de Amy sobre su rodilla al tiempo que cambiaba de mano y ascendía otro peldaño.
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