Translation for "eastern sky" to spanish
Translation examples
"The eastern sky lit up with artillery support."
"El cielo oriental iluminado con apoyo de artillería."
The eastern sky was deep violet.
El cielo oriental tenía una tonalidad violeta profundo.
The eastern sky was brighter than it had been before.
El cielo oriental era más brillante que antes.
She glanced up into the eastern sky.
Alzó los ojos con rapidez hacia el cielo oriental.
The eastern sky was beginning to lighten and the air was chill.
El cielo oriental empezaba a iluminarse, y el aire era frío.
The eastern sky was bright pink by the time they finished.
Cuando terminaron, el cielo oriental era de color rosado brillante.
As the sun brightened the eastern sky, Calis pointed. ‘There!’
El sol iluminó el cielo oriental. —¡Ahí! —señaló Calis.
The sun, halfway up the eastern sky, was warm.
El sol, a mitad de camino ascendente del cielo oriental, era caluroso.
The sun was high in the eastern sky, and Taniko was a radiant vision.
El sol estaba en lo alto del cielo oriental, y Taniko era una radiante aparición.
They waited as the sun crept further up in the eastern sky.
Aguardaron mientras el sol trepaba más aún por el cielo oriental.
A strand of pearly dawnlight broke suddenly across the eastern sky.
Una banda de perlada luz rompió repentinamente en el cielo oriental.
She stared at the eastern sky.
Ella contempló el cielo del este.
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