Translation for "downhearted" to spanish
Translation examples
What would you rather my children had, Sir, a downhearted mother, or a merry one?
¿Qué prefiere que tengan mis niños, Señor, una madre desanimada o una alegre?
♪ any time you feel downhearted
#Cuando te sientas desanimada #
You'd think they'd be downhearted, but not a bit of it. They were absolutely carefree as soon as they got on the boat.
Parecían absolutamente desanimados, y luego apenas embarcaron estaban tan joviales...
Well, that's no reason to sound downhearted.
Bueno, eso no es razón para sonido desanimado.
Looking sad and downhearted, they try again... but the reply is still the same.
Tristes y desanimados, lo intentan de nuevo. Pero la respuesta siempre es la misma.
How's it going to help your ma for you to be feeling so downhearted on her behalf?
¿Cómo va a ayudar a tu madre que estés tan desanimado en su nombre?
Oh, you look a little downhearted, boy.
Pareces algo desanimado, chico.
Are we downhearted? No.
¿Venimos desanimadas? No.
And don’t look so downhearted.
Y no se quede tan desanimado.
You look downhearted, girl.
—Pareces desanimada, chica.
I felt stiff, weary and downhearted.
Me sentía entumecida, cansada y desanimada.
Tom was downhearted, but tried hard not to show it.
Tom se sentía desanimado, pero luchaba para no mostrarlo.
Yet he did not seem especially downhearted.
Sin embargo, no parecía especialmente desanimado.
Failing to find that silver left me downhearted.
Me quedé desanimada al no encontrar la plata.
I had never seen him so downhearted.
nunca lo había visto tan desanimado.
He’s not too downhearted, is he?’
¿No está demasiado decaído?
But while their places were the habitual, the mood was downhearted.
Aunque sus puestos eran los habituales, pronto nos dimos cuenta de que los ánimos estaban decaídos.
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