Translation for "double-meat" to spanish
Translation examples
Remember how you're not allowed to go to Subway anymore and suggestively ask for "double meat"?
¿Recuerdas cómo no se te permitía ir más a Subway y de manera sugestiva ordenaste "doble carne"?
I kinda need money pretty quickly, like, today, so I didn't want a lengthy interview process. And I figured this was probably the fastest... way... to... Because I... wanted to be part of the Double Meat experience?
asi que no queria una entrevista muy larga e imagine que esta era probablemente la forma...mas porque... quiero formar parte de la experiencia Doble Carne?
Double-meat sandwiches, wow!
¡Bocata de doble carne!
That's a Double Meat Medley!
es una Doble Carne Especial!
Can I please get the garbage omelet, double meat, home fries and how about everything bagel with butter, cream cheese, jelly, all that shit.
NOVIEMBRE Quiero una tortilla completa, con doble carne, papas fritas y un panecillo con mantequilla, queso crema, jalea, todo.
You've just become part of the Double Meat experience!
ahora sois parte de la experiancia "doble carne"
Double meat, double cheese.
Doble carne, doble queso.
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