Translation for "doff" to spanish
Translation examples
"by Lord Grandchester, for refusing to doff his cap."
"por Lord Grandchester, por negarse a quitarse el sombrero ante él".
Romeo, doff thy name...
Romeo, tu nombre quitarse ...
Maybe bow... once in a while, doff your cap occasionally.
Tal vez una reverencia, quitarse la gorra de vez en cuando.
“Have the courtesy to doff your hat,” she told him. It was Sister St.
Tenga la cortesía de quitarse el sombrero. Por su trabajo, la hermana St.
They no longer address me in the third person, nor do they bother to doff their threadbare caps to me.
Ya no se dirigen a mí de usted ni se molestan en quitarse ante mí sus andrajosos gorros.
John took a breath before trying out the swivel chair and decided to doff his jacket first.
John respiró hondo antes de probar el sillón giratorio y decidió quitarse el saco antes que nada.
He says that back on Vicuna the people could don and doff their bodies as easily as Earthlings could change their clothing.
Dice que allá en Vicuna, la gente podía ponerse y quitarse los cuerpos con la misma facilidad con que pueden los terrestres cambiar de ropa.
I loved him. To see him gallop into the center of the sawdust ring and doff his huge sombrero to the applauding spectators was something unforgettable.
Lo amaba. Verlo galopar en el centro de la pista de serrín y quitarse el sombrero ante los espectadores que aplaudían era algo inolvidable.
The woman brushed back her short black hair with her wrist, not bothering to doff her work glove. “I was born here.”
La mujer se echó hacia atrás su corto cabello negro con la muñeca, sin quitarse el guante de trabajo. —Nací aquí.
It would look good in the press, and for most politicians all over the world, that was sufficient to make them doff their clothes and run about a public square naked.
Crearía buena impresión en la prensa, y para la mayoría de los políticos en el mundo entero, eso bastaba para quitarse la ropa y correr desnudos por una plaza pública.
And they could not take sinful advantage of their literally high position: they could not look down to ogle any decent woman who ascended to her rooftop to doff her veil—or more of her coverings—for a private sunbath.
es decir, no pueden mirar lascivamente a cualquier mujer decente que suba a su azotea a quitarse el velo, o a veces algo más, y a tomar un baño de sol privado.
That first day, also, Aziz had been briefly naked in our company—and Nostril had hung about, ogling—while I helped the boy doff the Persian garb his sister had dressed him in, and showed him how to put on the Arab kaffiyah and aba.
También aquel primer día Aziz estuvo brevemente desnudo en nuestra compañía y Narices se quedó mirándolo ávidamente, mientras yo ayudaba al niño a quitarse la ropa persa con la que su hermana le había vestido y le enseñaba a ponerse la kaffiyah árabe y el aba.
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