Translation for "distanced himself" to spanish
Translation examples
He was so afraid of repercussions, he distanced himself from the Cestii.
Tenía tanto miedo de las repercusiones, que se había distanciado de los Cestia.
Paul had distanced himself from his brother and sister and their families for the past decade;
Paul llevaba una década distanciado de sus hermanos y de sus respectivas familias;
The fact that Frans was a Nazi sympathizer was one of the reasons that Kjell had distanced himself from his father.
El que simpatizara con el nazismo era una de las muchas razones por las que Kjell se había distanciado de su padre.
Looking back, the driver saw he had distanced himself from the police car’s flashing lights.
Al mirar hacia atrás, el conductor vio que se había distanciado de las luces del coche patrulla.
When we had these conversations he became like the boy in my class, the boy who had distanced himself from us by venturing away.
Cuando manteníamos estas conversaciones, era como ese chico de mi clase, el que se había distanciado de nosotros al viajar tan lejos.
Makwala had always drawn a line between himself and the world that he called “traditional,” had always distanced himself from engaging with invisible matters.
Makwala se había desmarcado siempre de ese mundo que él calificaba como «tradicional», se había distanciado siempre de la gestión de las cosas invisibles.
He was also aloof and distracted and had distanced himself, physically and emotionally, from the boy, who was guarded by a doting mother who felt humiliated.
También era distante y distraído, y se había distanciado física y emocionalmente del muchacho, custodiado ahora por una madre devota que se sentía humillada.
Death had arrived to claim him, and had he not distanced himself so from the magic he might have delayed its arrival a bit longer.
La muerte se había presentado reclamando su vida, y si no se hubiera distanciado tanto de la magia tal vez hubiera podido retrasar su visita.
For four years Marko had been busy trying to turn Jörg, the terrorist who hadn’t distanced himself from the RAF, into the intellectual head of a new terrorist movement.
Marko llevaba cuatro años rondando a Jörg para convertir al terrorista que no se había distanciado de la Fracción del Ejército Rojo en un terrorista de nuevo cuño.
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