Translation for "dismayingly" to spanish
Translation examples
To Rose they looked dismayingly young;
A Rose le parecieron desalentadoramente jóvenes;
‘You are dismayingly arrogant,’ said Maddalena.
—Resulta desalentadoramente arrogante —dijo Maddalena.
He pulled it out the document inside was dismayingly thin and opened it.
Lo sacó —el documento de su interior era desalentadoramente fino— y lo abrió.
She almost was, though the sun stayed dismayingly low.
Ya casi había llegado, aunque el sol permanecía desalentadoramente bajo.
He found only two girls willing to cross the line, and both of them had dismayingly romantic visions of their future with him.
Sólo encontró dos chicas dispuestas a cruzar esa frontera y ambas tenían visiones desalentadoramente románticas del futuro con él.
Spices were what they were after and the New World was dismayingly deficient in those, apart from chillies, which were too fiery and startling to be appreciated at first.
Buscaban especias y el Nuevo Mundo carecía desalentadoramente de ellas, exceptuando el chile, que resultaba picante en exceso y demasiado sorprendente para ser apreciado en un principio.
Huey Darnell, thrice divorced by harridans and now betrayed by his fourth wife, bourbon whiskey, sits alone and dismayingly sober in the back of a paneled van, just behind the front seats, watching the Tillman residence through a pair of binoculars.
Huey Darnell, tres veces divorciado de sendas brujas y ahora traicionado por su cuarta esposa, a causa del bourbon, se sienta solo y desalentadoramente sobrio en la parte trasera de una camioneta con paneles, justo detrás de los asientos delanteros, observando la residencia Tillman a través de unos prismáticos.
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