Translation for "disgusted" to spanish
Translation examples
He said that the United Republic of Tanzania was a "victim" of its own hospitality and that his Government was "very much disgusted" with the unfounded allegations that military training was occurring in the camps.
Dijo que la República Unida de Tanzanía era una "víctima" de su propia hospitalidad y que su Gobierno estaba "disgustado" con las versiones infundadas de que en los campamentos se estaban llevando a cabo actividades de adiestramiento militar.
We're disgusting pigeons!
Somos palomas disgustadas!
Disgusting, isn't it?
Estás disgustada, ¿no?
I'm disgusted with mine.
Estoy disgustado conmigo.
You disgust me.
Me haces disgustado.
Disgusted, but intrigued.
Disgustada, pero intrigada.
And he was disgusted.
Y él estaba disgustado.
“I’m not disgusted.”
—No estoy disgustado.
But on the other, he was disgusted.
Por otro, estaba disgustado.
Alfred was disgusted.
Alfred estaba disgustado.
he looked disgusted.
—parecía disgustado—.
“Aren’t you disgusted?” “No.
–¿No te sientes disgustado? –No.
He winced, disgusted.
Respingó, disgustado.
It looked disgusted with him.
Parecía disgustado con él.
Disgusted, yet glad.
Disgustado, pero contento.
came a disgusted reply.
—fue la disgustada respuesta—.
She felt disgusted.
Se sentía asqueada.
More like disgusted.
Más bien asqueado.
Hi. try disgusted.
Hola, prueba asqueado.
Disgusting, but all right.
Asqueado, pero bien.
I'm disgusted, Pippetto!
Estoy asqueado, Pipetto.
- I'm disgusted, Lynda.
- Estoy asqueado, Lynda.
Aren't you disgusted?
¿No está asqueado?
Possibly in disgust.
Posiblemente asqueada.
Anna was disgusted.
Anna estaba asqueada.
disgusted with ourselves.
asqueados de nosotros mismos.
He was disgusted by it.
Se sintió asqueado.
Cutter was disgusted.
Cutter estaba asqueado.
I was thoroughly disgusted.
Estaba completamente asqueado.
They look likesay, disgusted.
Parecen como asqueadas.
Frankly, I'm disgusted;
La verdad, estoy asqueado;
‘I’m disgusted with myself.’
—Estoy asqueada de mí misma.
I'm disappointed and disgusted with you.
Estoy defraudado y repugnado con usted.
He seemed disgusted with the idea of someone being a groupie.
Parecía repugnado por la idea de que alguien fuera un seguidor.
She threw it away, disgusted, saying that if it happened again, she'd tell her father, who was a cop.
Ella lo tiró, repugnada, Diciendo que si pasara otra vez, Ella le diría su padre, Que era un policía
I looked for a protector in my disgust and hate. And money returned to the house.
Busqué un protector... repugnada y con odio y volvió el dinero a la casa.
You would have been disgusted with me.
A ti te habría repugnado.
It is and always will be disgusting to me.
Siempre me ha repugnado y me repugnará.
Excess had always disgusted him.
Siempre le habían repugnado los excesos.
He spoke sardonically, but he was plainly disgusted by the sight.
Hablaba con sarcasmo, repugnado por la escena—.
At one time, eating raw flesh would have disgusted me.
Antes, comer carne cruda me habría repugnado.
D’Ortega’s strut as they had walked the property disgusted him.
El pavoneo de D’Ortega durante el paseo por la finca le había repugnado.
Their avidity and greed has never struck me as anything but disgusting.
La avidez y la codicia de estos pueblos siempre me han repugnado.
She watched them with the disgusted fascination she always felt.
Los observó con la repugnada fascinación que siempre le inspiraban.
I had been disgusted by them then, but now they didn't seem so bad to me.
Antes me habían repugnado, pero ya no me parecían tan malos.
The entire spectacle had disgusted her, and most of all my own losing part in it.
Todo el espectáculo le había repugnado y más que nada mi participación de perdedor en él.
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