Translation for "disbelievingly" to spanish
Translation examples
Lhamphur asked disbelievingly.
—preguntó Lhamphur, incrédulo—.
I asked disbelievingly. “No,”
—pregunté, incrédulo. —No —dijo—.
Dunworthy said, disbelievingly.
-estalló Dunworthy, incrédulo-.
“What?” I say disbelievingly.
¿Qué? — Exclamo incrédula—.
Wes only stared at him disbelievingly, still smiling.
Wes se limitó a mirarlo incrédulamente, sin dejar de sonreír.
Slowly, disbelievingly, Disra turned around. It couldn’t be.
Lentamente, incrédulamente, Disra se dio la vuelta. No podía ser.
Every morning, at breakfast, I would gaze disbelievingly at my family.
Todas las mañanas, a la hora del desayuno, miraba incrédulamente a mi familia.
We can be together the way we always were.” He stared at her. “The way we were?” flatly, disbelievingly.
Podemos estar juntos como siempre lo estuvimos. Él la miró fijamente. –¿Como siempre lo estuvimos?-Llanamente, incrédulamente-.
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