Translation for "directs them" to spanish
Directs them
Translation examples
Cash which is transported by armored trucks navigating according to a closed-end GPS system, which directs them to City Deposit.
Efectivo que es transportado por vehículos blindados que navegan de acuerdo a un sistema GPS de tipo cerrado, que los dirige al banco de la ciudad.
A Bourbon prince is directing them.
Un príncipe Borbón los dirige.
“Does the Zappit direct them to that . . . that thing?” Hodges asks.
—¿El Zappit los dirige hacia esa… esa cosa? —pregunta Hodges.
Whoever was directing them must know the city very well.
Quien los dirige debe de conocer la ciudad perfectamente, señor.
Race has the simplicity of the great follies, those that are easily shared since they are the noise made by our cogs when there is nothing to direct them.
La raza tiene la sencillez de las grandes locuras, de esas que resulta fácil compartir, ya que son el ruido de nuestros engranajes cuando ya no los dirige nadie.
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