Translation for "desensitizer" to spanish
Translation examples
He stood up, dropping both the data pad and the desensitizer onto his chair.
Se levantó, dejando caer la agenda y el desensibilizador en la silla.
holding a medpack desensitizer against his chest with one hand while balancing a borrowed data pad with the other. He was scowling at the latter as Luke came up. "Bad news?" Luke asked.
Apretaba contra su pecho un desensibilizador compacto, mientras con la otra mano sostenía una agenda electrónica prestada, que contemplaba con el ceño fruncido. —¿Malas noticias? —preguntó Luke.
Lando Calrissian, his expression and sense hovering somewhere between impatience and boredom, was sitting off in the far corner, holding a medpack desensitizer against his chest with one hand while balancing a borrowed data pad with the other. He was scowling at the latter as Luke came up. "Bad news?" Luke asked.
Laudo Calrissian, cuya expresión y estado de ánimo oscilaban entre la impaciencia y el aburrimiento, estaba sentado en un rincón. Apretaba contra su pecho un desensibilizador compacto, mientras con la otra mano sostenía una agenda electrónica prestada, que contemplaba con el ceño fruncido. —¿Malas noticias? —preguntó Luke.
And while, for a latchkey kid with no jewish friends, it was a bit desensitizing, it still taught me that the lovable misfits always win.
Y mientras, para un niño llavín sin amigos judíos, Era un poco desensibilizante, Todavía me enseñó
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