Translation for "day-to-day" to spanish
Translation examples
Theirs was a normal, day-to-day intimacy.
La suya era una intimidad normal, cotidiana.
Day-to-day life took over.
La vida cotidiana se impuso.
She had nothing to give on a day-to-day basis.
En lo cotidiano, no tenía nada que ofrecer.
“The day-to-day cares of Bellavalten are calling us.”
Las obligaciones cotidianas de Bellavalten nos reclaman.
Maybe on a grand scale, but not day-to-day.
Puede que a gran escala, pero no en la vida cotidiana.
It seems to be a lot of day-to-day stuff.
Al parecer hay muchas descripciones de la vida cotidiana.
He would miss the day-to-day interactions with them.
Echaría de menos la relación cotidiana con ellos.
I took over the day-to-day affairs of the household.
Yo me ocupé de las tareas cotidianas de la casa;
George was honest enough in his day to day transactions.
George era bastante honesto en sus transacciones cotidianas.
The day-to-day problems of the journey were so overwhelming.
Los problemas cotidianos del viaje eran tan abrumadores.
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