Translation for "customhouse" to spanish
Translation examples
I saw some boys near the sentry... at the customhouse door.
Vi a unos chicos cerca del guardia a puertas de la aduana.
My men came to the aid of a sentry outside the customhouse.
Mis hombres socorrieron a un guardia fuera de la aduana.
Excuse me can you tell me where the border and customhouse is?
Perdón, ¿puede decirme dónde está la frontera y la oficina de aduanas?
It was the customhouse and the barroom for them.
Para ellos, era la aduana o el bar.
He was sent to the Baltimore customhouse.
Lo mandaron a la aduana de Baltimore.
Would there be a record at the customhouse—from when he first arrived?
¿Habría un registro en la aduana… de cuando arribó por primera vez?
There wasn’t a customhouse officer in the world could smell Chink in her now.
No había en el mundo un vista de aduana que hubiera podido oler allí a chino.
Now the killer from Marseilles emerged from the customhouse and looked around.
En ese momento el asesino marsellés salió de la aduana y echó un vistazo a su alrededor.
Olympia jumped out onto the quay and helped secure the punt alongside the customhouse.
Olympia saltó al muelle y le ayudó a amarrar la batea junto a la aduana.
The guards in the booth were still looking bored, their fellow officers in the customhouse less so;
Los guardias en la caseta seguían mostrando una expresión aburrida, sus compañeros dentro de la aduana parecían más animados;
The line of carriages had only to cross the avenue to reach the old customhouse that had been reserved for him.
La fila de coches sólo tuvo que atravesar la avenida hasta la casa de la aduana vieja, que le estaba reservada.
When finally he gave up and returned to the customhouse, the customs officials only shook their heads and spread their hands.
Cuando al fin se rindió y regresó a la aduana, los funcionarios se limitaron a menear la cabeza y extender las manos.
During his first winter in the customhouse he was invited to join a party that went to the opera in Washington on Saturdays.
Durante su primer invierno en la aduana le invitaron a formar parte de un grupo que iba los sábados a Washington para asistir a la ópera.
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