Translation for "cuff-link" to spanish
Translation examples
Cuff links, Dave thinks.
Gemelos —piensa Dave—.
I was puzzled, too, by the cuff-links.
También me desconcertaron los gemelos.
  Junior tugged his cuff links.
Junior se tiró de los gemelos.
The clothes, the watch, the cuff links;
Las ropas, el reloj, los gemelos de los puños de la camisa;
Alec owned no cuff links, of course.
Era claro que Alec no poseía gemelos.
‘The cuff-links?’ repeated Willie Hornung.
—¿Los gemelos? —repitió Willie Hornung.
his cuff links were of solid gold;
Sus gemelos eran de oro macizo.
She was sure he had no cuff links;
Seguro que no tenía gemelos de camisa;
The pearl cuff links would have to do.
Tendría que conformarse con los gemelos de perlas.
“How about cuff links?” Marcy asked.
—¿Qué tal unos gemelos? —propuso Marcy.
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