Translation for "crunchiness" to spanish
Translation examples
-It's crunchy.
- Bueno, es crujiente.
- I guess crunchy.
- Supongo que crujiente.
Stay crunchy, men.
Manténganse crujientes, hombres.
Crunchy, or lonely?
¿Crujiente o solitario?
It's really crunchy.
Es realmente crujiente.
Raw crunchy kale.
Col cruda crujiente.
Crunchy and creamy.
Crujiente y cremoso.
Hippie, crunchy program.
Hippie, programa crujiente.
It was crunchy and light.
Eran crujientes y ligeras.
It was nice and crunchy.
Estaba bueno, y crujiente.
Nothing dry or crunchy.
Nada que esté seco o crujiente.
Something crunchy, anyway.
—Algo crujiente, de todos modos.
It’s got crunchy bits.
Tiene tropezones crujientes.
“We’ll order something crunchy.
—Pediremos algo crujiente.
The heather was crunchy and slippery.
La bermejuela estaba resbaladiza y crujiente.
Crunchy, animal hair.
Un pelo crujiente, animal.
They had big, crunchy fiddleheads.
Tenían hojas grandes y crujientes.
I remember the crunchy pancakes!
¡Aquellas tortitas tan crujientes!
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