Translation for "cross road" to spanish
Cross road
Translation examples
They drove cautiously down the lane to the cross-roads.
Condujeron con cautela por la senda, hasta el cruce de caminos.
‘That shed place at the cross-roads,’ Pat said bitterly.
—Sí, ese cobertizo en el cruce de caminos —explicó Pat con amargura.
'In Chiatze it means the cross-roads of death,' said the priest.
—En el idioma chiatze quiere decir «el cruce de caminos de la muerte» —dijo el sacerdote—.
It’s at a cross-roads and they’re putting a main road through before long, more’s the pity.
Está en un cruce de caminos, y antes de mucho tiempo pasará por allí una carretera, qué pena.
The driver would not have been seen near the Welwyn cross-roads but for this fact: the road was slippery;
No hubieran visto al conductor cerca del cruce de caminos en Welwyn, a no ser por este hecho;
We headed up through the town, along streets that had become familiar to me, over the cross-roads and up the hill.
Atravesamos la ciudad, las calles que ya me eran familiares, el cruce de caminos y subimos la colina.
yet among the many things which they passed in the course of it was a clump of eager policemen standing at a cross-road.
pero entre las muchas cosas que dejaron atrás, en su carrera, se contó un grupo de celosos policías parados en un cruce de caminos.
Another place we went to often was near a little pool made by a small stream near a country cross-road.
Otro lugar al que íbamos a menudo se encontraba cerca de un minúsculo remanso de un riachuelo próximo a un cruce de caminos.
Grandfather asked Jelinek whether in the old country there was some superstition to the effect that a suicide must be buried at the cross-roads.
El abuelo preguntó a Jelinek si en su país natal existía alguna superstición que obligara a enterrar a un suicida en un cruce de caminos.
Because some ancestor of his was a brigand who built a castle near a bridge or at a cross-road and made himself rich and powerful by thievery?
¿Porque algún antepasado suyo fue un bandido que construyó un castillo cerca de un puente o en un cruce de caminos y se hizo rico y poderoso con su rapiña?
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