Translation for "crinkliness" to spanish
Translation examples
the landlord’s smile was as crinkly as his hair.
El propietario le dirigió una ancha sonrisa que arrugó todo su rostro.
Light comes into his eyes and his face goes crinkly.
Se le iluminan los ojos y el semblante se le arruga.
I’m looking at my shoes, they’re all crinkly at the edges.
Me miro los zapatos, que están todos llenos de arrugas por los bordes.
That crinkly ring of wrinkles around your neck is a platysmal band .
Ese aro de arrugas que te rodea el cuello es una banda platümal.
I grinned at him, and he smiled his crinkly-eyed smile.
Le sonreí y, al devolverme la sonrisa, le salieron arrugas alrededor de los ojos.
I winked at him, and he smiled his crinkly-eyed smile.
Le guiñé un ojo, y al sonreírme le salieron arrugas alrededor de los ojos.
    Ridpath balled up the two crinkly pans and dumped them into the bin. Waste.
Ridpath arrugó los dos recipientes de aluminio y los tiró al cubo de la basura.
He had thick gray hair and big shoulders and crinkly blue eyes — handsome, like all of them.
Tenía abundante cabello gris, anchos hombros y arrugas alrededor de los ojos azules;
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