Translation for "countings" to spanish
Translation examples
Computation: count the number of ongoing agreements established with affected country Parties.
Cálculos: contar el número de acuerdos vigentes establecidos con países Partes afectados.
The matching terms with their total occurrence counts were extracted.
Se extrajeron los términos presentes en ambas listas y se calculó el número total de ocasiones en que aparecían.
The counting methods of the two differ.
Los métodos de cálculo difieren.
The figure is considered to be inflated by double counting.
Se considera que esta cifra está inflada debido a un cálculo doble.
Basic counting rules
b) Reglas básicas de cálculo
We count this way, here.
Aquí los cálculos se hacen así.
Counting cards is legal.
El cálculo de cartas es legal.
- I'm counting the hours.
Calculo las horas.
By my count, you're next.
Según mis cálculos, sigues tú.
We count in hours.
Yo calculo con horas.
Let me count this for you.
Deja que calcule esto para ti.
"That after fiscal countings"
"que después de los cálculos fiscales"
- You counted that fast.
- Calcula muy rápido.
I've counted off another day.
Calculé el nuevo día:
- You had 15 years by my count.
- Tuviste 15 años, calculo.
An approximate count at best, and admittedly, what would be the point of an approximate count?
Pero, a fin de cuentas, no era más que un cálculo aproximado, y ¿qué valor podía tener un cálculo aproximado?
He had been making a count.
Había estado haciendo cálculos.
Rod was counting on his fingers.
Roderick hacía cálculos.
Patrik counted on his fingers.
Patrik calculó con los dedos.
My mind rattled through the count.
Mi mente hacía cálculos.
Whitbread counted in his head.
Whitbread calculó mentalmente, y dijo:
there was no accurate count, he said.
no existía un cálculo preciso, dijo.
Galad did a quick count.
Galad hizo un rápido cálculo.
“How many aircraft do you count?”
—¿Cuántos aparatos calcula que hay?
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