Translation for "contrabandist" to spanish
Translation examples
8. Narcotic drug contrabandists and addicted to the narcotic drugs.
8. Contrabandistas de estupefacientes y adictos a ellos.
His introduction to the world of the contrabandists was banal: gambling debts compounded by an excess of alcohol and embarrassing female alliances.
Su ingreso en el mundo de los contrabandistas había sido banal: deudas de juego unidas a un exceso de alcohol y vergonzosas relaciones con mujeres.
a gun for the Unio Corso who had murdered one prefect too many under orders from the contrabandistes of southern France.
una pistola de la Unio Corsa, que había asesinado a un prefecto de más, por orden de los contrabandistas del sur de Francia.
a vast contrabandist, cutlass aloft, ran menacingly at a group of Premiers until one of their number threw down his toddy, cast off his overcoat to reveal a comforting uniform, and downed the fellow.
un contrabandista corpulento, con el alfanje en ristre, corrió, amenazador, hacia un grupo de espectadores, pero uno de éstos arrojó su ponche, se quitó el abrigo, descubriendo un uniforme reconfortante, y derribó al fulano.
His immediate following, numbering a couple of hundred men, were for the most part old contrabandists, who under the monarchy had been engaged in the smuggling of salt from Brittany, where it was free, into the neighbouring provinces, where in those days it had been heavily taxed.
Sus inmediatos seguidores, un par de centenares de hombres, eran la mayor parte, antiguos contrabandistas, que durante la Monarquía se ocupaban en pasar la sal de Bretaña, libre de gravámenes, a las provincias vecinas, donde pesaba sobre ella un fuerte impuesto.
Taking advantage of the established chain of communications, now as necessary as ever it had been, owing to renewed Republican activity in the West since Quiberon, and moving cautiously by night from one house of confidence to another, the Count had brought him safely to St. Brieuc, and there had shipped him aboard a contrabandist lugger for Jersey.
Aprovechando su cadena de comunicaciones, entonces tan necesaria como antes, debido a la renovada actividad de los republicanos después del desastre de Quiberón, viajaron cautelosamente durante la noche, de casa en casa, hasta llegar sanos y salvos a Saint Brieuc, donde el conde embarcó a Quentin en un lugre contrabandista que zarpaba para Jersey.
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