Translation for "considering all" to spanish
Translation examples
All things considered, all right.
Considerando todo, bastante bien.
Considering all you've been through...
Considerando todo lo que has pasado...
Considering all you went through, you were lucky, really.
Considerando todo lo que te sucedio, has sido realmente afortunado.
Y considerando todo lo que han superado juntos
- Considering all that we share, you should call me Vanessa.
- Considerando todo lo que compartimos, deberías llamarme Vanessa.
- Well, considering all we had to drink, why, I was positively fractured.
- Considerando todo lo que bebimos, yo estaba hecha polvo.
I thought it looked pretty good considering all it's been through.
Pensaba que tenía un aspecto fantástico considerando todo lo que ha pasado.
The cost is irrelevant, considering all that it can do.
El precio no es importante considerando todo lo que hacen.
Considering all the stuff that's here, 50 measly trays is no big deal.
Considerando todo lo que hay aquí, 50 bandejas míseras no son para tanto.
Considering all he's chiselled out of me in legal fees...
Considerando todo lo que me ha timado en cuestiones legales...
Unnaturally close, considering all the empty desert around them.
Anormalmente cerca, considerando todo el desierto vacío a su alrededor.
But considering all that had happened, and more importantly because you asked me to, I went.
Pero considerando todo lo que había ocurrido, y sobre todo porque usted me lo pidió, fui.
Considering all of this, Hasdrubal looked to his impending wedding day with some trepidation.
Considerando todo esto, Asdrúbal esperaba su inminente boda con cierta zozobra.
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