Translation for "considerably increased" to spanish
Considerably increased
Translation examples
First, awareness of extent of the challenge has considerably increased.
Ante todo, la toma de conciencia de la amplitud del desafío que debemos enfrentar ha aumentado considerablemente.
There has been a considerable increase in requests for assistance.
Han aumentado considerablemente las solicitudes de asistencia.
The debt burden has considerably increased in the local currency.
La carga de la deuda ha aumentado considerablemente en la moneda nacional.
The number of HIV-positive men has therefore considerably increased.
Así pues, ha aumentado considerablemente el número de hombres seropositivos.
The sanctions provided in the article have also been considerably increased.
Asimismo se han aumentado considerablemente las sanciones previstas en este artículo.
The delinquency level has considerably increased in this region during last years.
La tasa de delincuencia ha aumentado considerablemente en esa región en los últimos años.
No less importantly, foreign investment has considerably increased.
No menos importante, la inversión extranjera ha aumentado considerablemente.
They show in particular that the proportion of female students at the universities has considerably increased.
Se observa en particular que el porcentaje de mujeres que estudian en las universidades ha aumentado considerablemente.
There has also been a considerable increase in the number of pilgrims leaving or entering Ukraine.
También ha aumentado considerablemente el número de peregrinos que salen de Ucrania o ingresan en el país.
There is a considerable increase in the number of women in Parliament.
Ha aumentado considerablemente el número de mujeres en el Parlamento.
The number of partisans has considerably increased.
El número de partisanos ha aumentado considerablemente.
They had considerably increased in number and massed through all the openings, continuing to scream frighteningly.
Habían aumentado considerablemente en número y, amontonados delante de todas las aberturas, aullaban desaforadamente.
36 Perhaps it was just as well for Mahdoo that he left when he did, for his anxiety on Ash's account would have been considerably increased had he been present two days later, when an unexpected visitor arrived at Ash's bungalow in cantonments.
36 Quizá fue conveniente que Mahdoo se hubiera marchado, porque su ansiedad por Ash habría aumentado considerablemente si hubiese estado presente dos días después, cuando Ash recibió una visita inesperada en el bungalow de los acantonamientos.
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