Translation for "concluded be" to spanish
Translation examples
This concludes our business for today.
Con esto hemos concluido por hoy nuestra labor.
Other agreements concluded by the Court
Otros acuerdos concluidos por la Corte
Other agreements concluded by the Courte
Otros acuerdos concluidos por la Cortee
Concluded from previous period
Total cases concluded
Total de casos concluidos
That exercise had now been concluded.
Ese proceso ha concluido ya.
The meeting was concluded.
El encuentro había concluido.
Audience concluded!
¡La audiencia ha concluido!
The ceremony was concluded.
La ceremonia había concluido.
Until this affair is concluded.
Hasta que haya concluido este asunto.
The performance would be concluded.
La representación habría concluido.
Dinner had been concluded.
La cena había concluido.
Is our business here concluded?
¿Ha concluido nuestro asunto?
The investigation must be almost concluded.
La investigación ya habrá concluido.
Our business is concluded.
Nuestro asunto queda concluido.
The simple ceremony was concluded.
La sencilla ceremonia había concluido.
108. This draft article should be rapidly concluded.
Este proyecto de artículo debería concluirse con rapidez.
We hope that the ratification processes can be concluded as soon as possible.
Esperamos que los procesos de ratificación puedan concluirse lo antes posible.
167. The same may be concluded about the right of association.
167. Lo mismo puede concluirse acerca del derecho de asociación.
It was to be hoped that the work on the topic could be concluded in 2006.
Se espera que la labor sobre este tema pueda concluirse en 2006.
With stronger political will, the Doha Round could be concluded.
Con una mayor voluntad política, podría concluirse la Ronda de Doha.
The foregoing is scheduled to conclude in January 2007.
Lo anterior, está programado para concluirse en enero de 2007.
The Doha Round of negotiations should urgently be concluded.
La Ronda de negociaciones de Doha debe concluirse con urgencia.
The test-ban treaty should be concluded at the earliest possible date.
Ese tratado debe concluirse a la mayor brevedad posible.
Based on the above stated it can be concluded:
Sobre la base de lo que antecede puede concluirse:
This meant that the case had to be concluded in 1997.
Eso quería decir que la causa debía concluirse en 1997.
Should we therefore conclude that the axioms of geometry are experimental verities?
¿Debería por lo tanto concluirse que los axiomas de la geometría son verdades experimentales?
A business relationship could be begun and concluded without outing himself;
Una relación profesional podía iniciarse y concluirse sin necesidad de ello;
Were they then to conclude that the Rana's emissaries had not, after all, been empowered to speak for him?
¿Entonces debía concluirse que los emisarios del Rana no habían expresado todo lo que él quería comunicar?
It may be concluded that the poem is historical in two ways: first, as a social product;
Puede concluirse que el poema es histórico de dos maneras: la primera, como producto social;
He could only conclude that Pym had given up and decided to supply his own penance.
Podía concluirse que finalmente Pym se había rendido y había decidido imponerse su propio castigo.
And I should dislike to be in the shoes of a member of the Staff whose conduct jeopardized the agreement that's to be concluded here tonight."
Y no me agradaría estar en el puesto de un miembro del Cuerpo cuya conducta comprometiera el acuerdo que ha de concluirse aquí esta noche.
A deal that would have brought him an attractive profit, for instance, was to have been concluded the day after the one on which he disappeared.
Por ejemplo, un negocio que le hubiera supuesto un bonito beneficio iba a concluirse al día siguiente al de su desaparición.
It can be concluded thatthe experience of the sacred is a revelation of our original condition, but that it is also an interpretation that tends to conceal the meaning of that revelation from us.
Puede concluirse que la experiencia de lo sagrado es una revelación de nuestra condición original, pero que asimismo es una interpretación que tiende a ocultarnos el sentido de esa revelación.
And one must conclude that it would be a thousand pities if it were hindered or wasted, for it was won by centuries of the most drastic discipline, and there is nothing to take its place.
Y debe concluirse que sería una lástima terrible que le pusieran trabas o lo desperdiciaran, porque es la conquista de muchos siglos de la más dura disciplina y no hay nada que lo pueda sustituir.
The passive one is the person most guilty, and should be punished for betraying himself …’ Then she made me write, ‘Events must be logically concluded.
El sujeto pasivo es la persona más culpable, y debería ser castigado por traicionarse a sí mismo». Después me hizo escribir: «Los acontecimientos deben concluirse lógicamente.
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