Translation for "completely consumed" to spanish
Translation examples
He was completely consumed by this house.
Estaba completamente consumido por esta casa.
But even so, the lower three levels Of this apartment building were almost completely consumed.
Pero aún así, los tres niveles inferiores de este edificio de departamentos estaban casi completamente consumidos.
Unlocking it would require such focus of Satsui no Hado... that one would become completely consumed by it.
Desbloquearlo requeriría de una concentración de Satsui no Hado que uno sería completamente consumido por él.
But you were completely consumed by something else—and honestly?
Pero tu estabas completamente consumida por algo más y honestamente?
She was completely consumed by the part about the Dragomir line fading into disgrace.
Estaba completamente consumida por la parte sobre la línea Dragomir cayendo en desgracia.
Completely consumed moments, when you’re working and lose all consciousness of yourself . . . Oh? she said . . . Do you call that happiness?
—Momentos completamente consumidos, cuando estás trabajando y pierdes toda conciencia de ti mismo… Oh, dijo ella… ¿Llamas a eso felicidad?
Huge as the worms are, I suppose they would eventually be completely consumed by these little monsters within their bodies if they were not capable of defending themselves.
Por enormes que sean los gusanos, supongo que finalmente terminarían completamente consumidos por esos pequeños monstruos que anidan en sus cuerpos si no fueran capaces de defenderse.
The larger of the two reservoirs was empty now, the fuel it had contained completely consumed during the initial boost phase up to interstellar cruising speed.
El mayor de los depósitos estaba vacío, el combustible que contenía se había consumido por completo durante la fase de propulsión hasta alcanzar la velocidad de crucero interestelar.
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