Translation for "closed now" to spanish
Closed now
Translation examples
Well, they are closed now.
Bien, están cerradas ahora.
Shop's closed now.
El negocio esta cerrado ahora.
- Yeah, it's closed now?
- Sí, ¿está cerrado ahora?
The office is closed now.
La oficina está cerrada ahora.
Closed now, tomorrow.
Cerrado ahora, mañana.
Kaliinin's eyes were closed now, but her breasts were still heaving.
Kaliinin tenía los ojos cerrados ahora, pero su pecho aún jadeaba.
She finds herself stuck near the door to the bathroom where she'd seen the icers, but it's closed now.
Se encuentra atascada cerca de la puerta que da al baño donde habían estado los fumetas; esa puerta está cerrada ahora.
– Can you conceive of it? Yes, everywhere was closed... now he bites me through the walls! And yet still you do not come running…
—«¿Se fija usted?… ¡Todo, todo estaba cerrado!… Ahora me muerde a través de las paredes… ¿Y no acudirán ustedes?»
Directly ahead, under a red Exit sign, was a wide steel exterior door, closed now, beyond which suppliers’ trucks evidently parked to make deliveries.
Directamente delante, bajo un letrero rojo de «Salida», había una ancha puerta exterior de acero, cerrada ahora, al otro lado de la cual, evidentemente, aparcaban los camiones de los suministradores para hacer sus entregas.
He could feel blood coursing down his thighs, and he used the dagger to cut a great strip from his deel, yanking and cursing the agony, with his eyes closed now that there was no one to see.
Sentía correr la sangre por los muslos y utilizó su puñal para cortar una larga tira de su túnica, gritando y maldiciendo por el dolor, con los ojos cerrados ahora que nadie podía verle.
The straps running from the phallus were against her pubic lips, and pressed them together, but not enough to alleviate the desire that burned through her, burned even her face and made her face go soft suddenly, her tongue playing on the bit, her eyes closing. “Now that looks lovely,” said Georgette.
Las correas que salían del falo pasaban junto a sus labios púbicos y los apretaban, pero no lo suficiente para aliviar el deseo que la atravesaba toda, encendiéndole incluso el rostro que de pronto perdió toda tensión, su lengua jugueteando con el bocado, los ojos cerrados. —Ahora sí que está linda —dijo Georgette—.
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