Translation for "close to it" to spanish
Translation examples
You know, I think, in fact, having grown up so close to it, maybe my reaction and my experience with it was different, instead of wanting to do it from an early age, I just...
Sabes, pienso, que al crecer tan cerca de ello, quizas mi reacción y mi experiencia con ello era diferente;
Okay, well, I think you might be too close to it.
Vale, bueno, creo que podrías estar demasiado cerca de ello.
We're very close to it now.
Estamos muy cerca de ello ahora.
I imagine that as a man I've come as close to it as any other man who ever lived.
Me imagino que como hombre... he estado tan cerca de ello como cualquier otro hombre.
not impossible, but close to it.
no imposible, pero sí muy cerca de ello.
“I am close to it,” said Timothy. “I am convinced I am.
—Estoy cerca de ello —dijo Timothy—. Estoy convencido.
“You know, I’m so close to it I can’t really judge anymore.”
Estoy tan cerca de ello que realmente no puedo juzgarlo.
Sneezy and Harold were shut down too, or as close to it as active children can get.
Estornudos y Harold se desconectaron también, o llegaron tan cerca de ello como un niño activo podía conseguir.
I don't want anyone coming close to it.
No quiero a nadie cerca de eso.
Oh, I just want to be so close to it.
Oh, sólo quiero estar tan cerca de eso.
Quite close, quite close.
Muy cerca, muy cerca
He was close, so close.
Estaba cerca, muy cerca.
He is close, so close.
Está cerca, muy cerca.
They were close, very close.
Pero ya estaban cerca, muy cerca.
That had been close, very close.
Habían estado cerca, muy cerca.
They were close now, very close.
Estaban ya cerca, muy cerca.
But I felt too close to it, you know,
Pero me sentí muy cerca de ella, sabes,
Guards are staying close to it.
Hay guardias muy cerca de ella.
Being close to it, but never a part of it.
Estaba cerca de ella. Pero no formaba parte.
Am I that close to it?
¿Soy tan cerca de ella?
I've never been this close to it.
Nunca he estado tan cerca de ella.
When you're so close to it?
¿Cuando has estado tu tan cerca de ella?
It's just because you're close to it.
Es sólo porque estás cerca de ella.
Yeah. I was close to it.
Yo estaba cerca de ella.
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