Translation for "cliquish" to spanish
Translation examples
We've been cliquish.
Hemos sido exclusivistas.
It seems very cliquish.
- Parece muy exclusivista.
Far away from her cigarettes and her snobbishness, her cliquish friends, her atrocious spelling.
Muy lejos de los cigarrillos y el esnobismo, de sus amigas exclusivistas, de su atroz ortografía.
That tragedy inspired social psychologist Elliot Aronson to examine the problem, which he saw as having roots in school atmospheres that are “competitive, cliquish and exclusionary.”
Esa tragedia inspiró al psicólogo social Elliot Aronson a abordar el problema y concluir que hundía sus raíces en un clima escolar «competitivo, exclusivista y marginador».
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