Translation for "church fund" to spanish
Translation examples
no scandals, no misuse of church funds, and no anarchy.
nada de escándalos, ni apropiación de fondos de la Iglesia, ni anarquía.
Defalcations! Does he suspect me of embezzling the Church funds?
¡Desfalco! ¿Cree, acaso, que yo uso los fondos de la iglesia?
Those guys didn’t look as though they were out collecting for the church fund.” “You’ll find out.” “I guess.
Esos no tenían aspecto de estar recaudando fondos para la iglesia. —Ya lo descubrirás. —Supongo.
He could bear it no longer, and felt he must confess—about the misappropriations of the church funds.” “What?”
No pudo contenerse más tiempo y decidió confesar acerca de la apropiación de fondos de la iglesia. -¿Cómo?
Does he suspect me of embezzling the Church funds?” “Nobody would suspect you of anything, darling,” said Griselda.
¿Cree, acaso, que yo distraigo los fondos de la iglesia? —Nadie sería capaz de pensar tal cosa de ti, querido —contestó Griselda—.
Or does he do a bit of secret drinking, or has he embezzled the church funds? Or is he the sort of absent-minded old chap who goes in for this sort of thing?
¿Bebía en secreto o había malversado los fondos de la iglesia? ¿O es de esos viejos desmemoriados que suelen hacer este tipo de cosas?
None of the accounts of the Church Funds had been properly kept up, and there was nineteen shillings unaccounted for in all, and even the parish registers were in a muddle—and so on and so on, ad infinitum.
Las cuentas de los fondos de la iglesia no estaban al día y faltaban diecinueve chelines, incluso los registros parroquiales eran un desbarajuste… y así ocurría con todo ad infinitum.
He'd paid the check, feeling somewhat guilty about using church funds for alcohol, then continued north, farther into the Village along a route that took him through a place called Washington Square.
Tras pagar la cuenta, no sin cierto sentido de culpa por destinar fondos de la iglesia para el alcohol, continuó en dirección norte, hacia el Village, por un camino que le hizo pasar por Washington Square.
In February 1902, the Bishop asked Wilbur to examine the church account books, and from his review Wilbur concluded the Reverend Keiter had indeed helped himself to church funds to pay for his own insurance premiums, personal clothing, and part of the construction cost of his home.
En febrero de 1902, el obispo pidió a Wilbur que examinara los libros de cuentas de la Iglesia, y de esta revisión Wilbur concluyó fehacientemente que el reverendo Keiter se había apropiado de fondos de la Iglesia para pagar sus primas de seguros, su ropa y parte de la construcción de su casa.
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