Translation for "chinese ports" to spanish
Chinese ports
Translation examples
In the promotion of maritime transport and trade, 89 Chinese ports were now open to foreign ships.
Para el fomento del comercio y el transporte marítimos, 89 puertos chinos estaban actualmente abiertos a los buques extranjeros.
At the time of writing (mid-July 1995), the material was trading between $US 6.90 and $US 7.30 per kg, fob Rotterdam warehouses; while Hong Kong prices were between $US6.00 and $US6.30 per kg, fob main Chinese ports.
En el momento en que se preparaba el presente informe (mediados de julio de 1995), el material se pagaba entre 6,90 y 7,30 dólares por kilo, f.o.b. almacenes de Rotterdam, mientras que los precios de Hong Kong estaban situados entre 6 y 6,30 dólares por kilo, f.o.b., principales puertos chinos.
The seller agreed to take them back, and proposed to pay to the buyer 50 per cent of the money received, after the goods were shipped back to a Chinese port.
El vendedor accedió a que le fueran devueltas y propuso pagar al comprador el 50% del importe recibido una vez que las mercaderías se hubieran recibido en un puerto chino.
The Chinese pilot insists that we are only 1 1 miles off their coast and he will fire if we don't turn around and go to a Chinese port.
El piloto chino insiste en que estamos a 17 km de su costa y que disparará si no giramos y vamos a un puerto chino.
It was as though they had traveled from a Chinese port to a suburb of Lisbon.
Era como si hubieran viajado desde un puerto chino a un barrio de Lisboa.
They were seafaring people from one of the greatest Chinese ports: millions of them slipped away.
Eran gentes marineras de uno de los más grandes puertos chinos: se largaron a millones.
One suggestion is to blockade all Chinese ports, to prevent foreign ships from entering or doing business.
—Una de las posibilidades es cerrar todos los puertos chinos, para impedir que los barcos extranjeros entren en ellos o comercien.
Hit by bad weather, the Lord Amherst had been forced to take shelter in a Chinese port.
Tras encontrar mal tiempo, el Lord Amherst se vio obligado a refugiarse en un puerto chino.
Coordinating the pipeline destruction in Siberia, then setting fire to the Chinese port when a suitable fault line could not be found.
Piensa en la dificultad de coordinar la destrucción del oleoducto siberiano con el incendio del puerto chino.
As the dead fish could attest, the dank waters around the Chinese port of Ningbo were anything but hospitable.
Como aquel pez podía demostrar, las malolientes aguas del puerto chino de Ningbo eran cualquier cosa menos saludables.
Names of visitors entering Japan from Chinese ports of departure were correlated against the names and known work names of Islamic terrorists, and there was a match, he was told, but the name was not released.
Se elaboró una correlación entre los nombres de los visitantes que llegaron a Japón procedentes de puertos chinos y los nombres y los alias conocidos de terroristas islámicos, y apareció una sola coincidencia, le informaron, pero no se dio a conocer el nombre.
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