Translation for "chest expander" to spanish
Chest expander
Translation examples
And these struggles with the chest-expander are daily making him more and more top-heavy.
Y sus ejercicios con el extensor le hacen de día en día más chaparro.
Peter has bought him a chest-expander, and, with this, he exercises solemnly at all hours of the day.
Peter le ha comprado un extensor y se ejercita solemnemente a todas horas.
On the desk was a pair of chest expanders, and above the fireplace was a painting of a pink-faced Frederick the Great when he was still a young man and probably just the crown prince.
En la mesa había unos extensores y, encima de la chimenea, un cuadro de Federico el Grande con la cara sonrosada. Aún era joven; tal vez datase de cuando era el príncipe heredero.
Kannenberg picked up the chest expanders and put them in a desk drawer.
Kannenberg cogió los tensores y los guardó en un cajón de la mesa.
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