Translation for "caused him" to spanish
Caused him
Translation examples
His short leg, and the pain it caused him, to him personally, was a great problem.
Su pierna corta y el dolor que le causaba, era un problema grave para él.
Jiras, a demon who possessed the ultimate power, which caused him eternal suffering. Because it was the power of immortality.
Jiras, un demonio que poseía el poder mayor, el cual le causaba un sufrimiento eterno, porque era el poder de la inmortalidad.
...While Tanner's length was still causing him problems.
...Mientras la longitud de Tanner Todavía le causaba problemas.
this caused him a vague sensation of shame.
Eso le causaba cierta sensación de vergüenza.
The killing of the American caused him little or no remorse.
El homicidio del estadounidense no le causaba ningún pesar, o muy poco.
His inability to read caused him a small pang.
Su incapacidad para la lectura le causaba un pequeño dolor.
But if Bittori reminded him of them, it caused him boundless irritation.
Le causaba, eso sí, viva irritación que Bittori se lo recordase.
But this voice, this voice that seemed to be rising with the mist was causing him pain!
Pero esa voz, esa voz que parecía ascender con la bruma le causaba dolor.
Whatever pain the movement caused him he kept clamped between his teeth.
Fuera cual fuese el dolor que le causaba el movimiento, lo mantuvo bien sujeto entre los dientes.
I enjoyed his efforts; I was glad that I was causing him some exertion.
Aprecié su esfuerzo y me agradó ser yo la que le causaba tal tensión.
Why the trial should cause him such twinges Ellery did not attempt to diagnose.
Por qué aquel proceso le causaba tanta preocupación era algo que Ellery no intentó comprender.
said Marcello, incapable of speech because of the embarrassment that arm was causing him.
—Sí —contestó Marcello, casi incapaz de hablar por la inquietud que le causaba aquel brazo.
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