Translation for "cattily" to spanish
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Lenore said cattily.
—dijo Lenore maliciosamente—.
“You never had a reputation for being disinclined,” Anne said cattily.
—Nunca tuviste fama de reacia —repuso Ana maliciosamente.
“Look at him there, that old man, licking his lips and gulping his spittle,” the Italian ambassador whispered cattily to his companion.
—Fijaos cómo el viejo se relame y traga saliva —susurró maliciosamente el embajador italiano a su compañero—.
Cleopatra is mentally auditioning Octavia, cattily revising her virtues downward, always with her rival’s theatrical impact on Antony in mind.
Cleopatra examina mentalmente a Octavia, valorando maliciosamente a la baja sus virtudes y teniendo siempre en mente el impacto teatral de su rival en Marco Antonio.
“She’ll do anything for attention,” Wendy Thomas whispered cattily to Petula as they both stared at their bruise-and bile-covered friend.
–Es capaz de cualquier cosa con tal de llamar la atención- le susurro maliciosamente Wendy Thomas a Petula mientras contemplaban a su magullada amiga rebozada en bilis.
When Mary Shanahan saw it, she looked closely at both the child and his mother, but more closely at Doris, and cattily observed: “Nice mustache.”
Cuando Mary Shanahan la vio, se inclinó para examinar de cerca a la madre y al niño, pero se demoró en la observación de Doris y comentó maliciosamente: «Bonito bigote».
Keith was only five years younger than Arthur, but his manner - particularly his manner with Pat, Venice thought cattily - was more youthful, and he dressed more like a man about town.
Keith sólo tenía cinco años menos que Arthur, pero sus modales -en particular su modales con Pat, pensó maliciosamente Venice- eran más desenvueltos, y vestía con elegancia.
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