Translation for "caratacus" to spanish
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And no sign of Caratacus either.
—Y tampoco hay rastro de Carataco.
Caratacus smiled briefly.
Carataco sonrió brevemente.
Caratacus started suspiciously.
Carataco se sobresaltó, receloso.
Then I’ll put paid to Caratacus.
Entonces acabaré con Carataco.
‘What is it?’ Caratacus called back.
—¿Qué pasa? —le respondió Carataco—.
We ride to kill Caratacus.
«Cabalgamos para matar a Carataco».
Caratacus was silent for a moment.
Carataco guardó silencio un momento.
I am Caratacus, King of the Catuvellauni.
¡Yo soy Carataco, rey de los catuvellaunos!
‘It’s likely he was sent there by Caratacus.
—Es probable que lo enviara Carataco.
Caratacus and his mob have taken to the hills.
Carataco y los suyos se han retirado a las montañas.
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